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퀴즈 Summary
0의 15 질문 완료
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- 15
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- 15
- 답변 됨
- 리뷰
질문 15의 1
1. 질문
1. What will Mama Bear do after she gets her work finished?
맞음틀림 -
질문 15의 2
2. 질문
2. What is Mama Bear’s first work to do?
맞음틀림 -
질문 15의 3
3. 질문
3. Which of the following pairs correctly matches each family member with their favorite breakfast?
맞음틀림 -
질문 15의 4
4. 질문
4. Who did NOT finish the homework?
맞음틀림 -
질문 15의 5
5. 질문
5. Why does Mama Bear go to the kids’ school after she drops Papa Bear off?
맞음틀림 -
질문 15의 6
6. 질문
6. Where does Mama Bear go to buy new windshield wipers?
맞음틀림 -
질문 15의 7
7. 질문
7. What does Mama Bear do when she sees some beautiful wildflowers by the side of the road?
맞음틀림 -
질문 15의 8
8. 질문
8. What does Mama Bear make for dinner?
맞음틀림 -
질문 15의 9
9. 질문
9. What is NOT working when she tries to do the laundry?
맞음틀림 -
질문 15의 10
10. 질문
10. What kind of costume Mama Bear sew?
맞음틀림 -
질문 15의 11
11. 질문
11. Why does Mama Bear drive to the school again after she drives to the dry cleaner?
맞음틀림 -
질문 15의 12
12. 질문
12. How does Mama Bear help the two injured drivers?
맞음틀림 -
질문 15의 13
13. 질문
13. Where dose Mama Bear drop Betty after school?
맞음틀림 -
질문 15의 14
14. 질문
14. Where does Mama Bear go with Billy after she drops Betty?
맞음틀림 -
질문 15의 15
15. 질문
15. Who made Mama Bear’s tea?