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퀴즈 Summary
0의 16 질문 완료
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- 답변 됨
- 리뷰
질문 16의 1
1. 질문
1. [The Blue Room] How many people were sitting around the fire on Christmas Eve?
맞음틀림 -
질문 16의 2
2. 질문
2. [The Blue Room] Why don’t people come to the uncle’s house at Christmas?
맞음틀림 -
질문 16의 3
3. 질문
3. [The Blue Room] There are always noises in the blue room on the 24th of _________.
맞음틀림 -
질문 16의 4
4. 질문
4. [The Blue Room] What did the ghost do every Christmas before he died?
맞음틀림 -
질문 16의 5
5. 질문
5. [The Blue Room] Where did James and David sleep?
맞음틀림 -
질문 16의 6
6. 질문
6. [The Blue Room] What happened right after David and James went into the blue room?
맞음틀림 -
질문 16의 7
7. 질문
7. [The Blue Room] What time did they go to bed?
맞음틀림 -
질문 16의 8
8. 질문
8. [The Blue Room] At midnight, what did James see sitting in an armchair?
맞음틀림 -
질문 16의 9
9. 질문
9. [The Blue Room] What was the ghost’s job before he died?
맞음틀림 -
질문 16의 10
10. 질문
10. [The Blue Room] What did the ghost do when James played the violin?
맞음틀림 -
질문 16의 11
11. 질문
11. [The Mill] All of the following are true about Jacob Fryer EXCEPT _____.
맞음틀림 -
질문 16의 12
12. 질문
12. [The Mill] Where did the ghost point when he first showed up?
맞음틀림 -
질문 16의 13
13. 질문
13. [The Mill] Why did John have the kitchen floor taken up?
맞음틀림 -
질문 16의 14
14. 질문
14. [The Mill] How did John feel on the fourth night?
맞음틀림 -
질문 16의 15
15. 질문
15. [The Mill] What did the ghost do the last time he showed up?
맞음틀림 -
질문 16의 16
16. 질문
16. [The Mill] What did John find out on the sixth night?