퀴즈 Summary
0의 11 질문 완료
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질문 11의 1
1. 질문
1. All plants make more plants of their own kind. This process is called __________.
맞음틀림 -
질문 11의 2
2. 질문
2. Where are male and female parts of plants found?
맞음틀림 -
질문 11의 3
3. 질문
3. What do male parts make?
맞음틀림 -
질문 11의 4
4. 질문
4. The female parts make eggs called __________.
맞음틀림 -
질문 11의 5
5. 질문
5. Why do flowers attract insects and other animals?
맞음틀림 -
질문 11의 6
6. 질문
6. What makes seeds?
맞음틀림 -
질문 11의 7
7. 질문
7. When do desert wildflowers bloom?
맞음틀림 -
질문 11의 8
8. 질문
8. New growth springing from a seed is called __________.
맞음틀림 -
질문 11의 9
9. 질문
8. New growth springing from a seed is called __________.
맞음틀림 -
질문 11의 10
10. 질문
9. When the plant parts die, they become __________ for new plants and animals.
맞음틀림 -
질문 11의 11
11. 질문
10. The new plant’s leaves collect __________ and its roots gather __________ and vitamins from soil.